Village of Port Williams

Biggest Little Port in the World

The Village of Port Williams provides sewer services to most of its residents. The Sewage Treatment Plant is located on Belcher Street near the dykes.

The Superintendent of Public Works is responsible for sewer, any concerns contact Joe Keddy at Office: 542-0087 or his cell at 670-5231. email

To view the By-Law respecting the regulations of discharges to the sewer of the Village of Port Williams By-Law No. 10-02 click on "Sewer Discharge By-Law".

Sewer Rates for the Village of Port Williams

  • $240.00 Flat rate for the first 50,000 gallons
  • $4.00 Per 1,000 gallons over 50,000
Sewer is based on water usage for the period of April 1st to March 31st of previous year. The sewer fees are collected for the Village by the Municipality of Kings and appear on property tax bills.

There are 220 gallons in a cubic meter.

Upcoming Events

Village Commission Meetings
20 Aug 2024
07:00PM - 08:30PM

Village Commission Meetings
17 Sep 2024
07:00PM - 08:30PM

Village Commission Meetings
15 Oct 2024
07:00PM - 08:30PM

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port williams crest

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