Village of Port Williams

Biggest Little Port in the World

The businesses found in this directory are only those that are within the Village Boundaries.

Antiques & Collectibles
Beauty Salons
Child Care and Nursery Schools
Equipment and Furniture


Carl Bezanson Accounting
1141 Main Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 902.542.5547
fax: 902.542.7144

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Cornwallis Farms Ltd.
1256 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0

Riverdale Farm
1235 Starr's Point Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-2625

Atlantic Poultry Inc.
Egg Division
830/840 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 679-1022

Fox Hill LogoFox Hill Cheese House
Specialty Cheese, Natural Yogurt, Premium Ice Cream
From Seed to Grass to Milk to Cheese to You"
1660 Lower Church Street
Port Williams, Nova Scotia B0P 1T0
Phone: 902-542-3599
Fax: 902-542-4024

Fox Hill Farm
"Home of Foxhill Holsteins"
1660 Lower Church Street
Port Williams, Nova Scotia
B0P 1T0
Phone: 902-542-3599
Fax: 902-542-4024

Gates U-Pick
1263 Starr's Point Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-9340

Dykeview Farms Limited
718 Church Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 582-3822
fax: 582-3676

Integrated Poultry Group Inc.
963 Main Street
P.O. Box 325
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0

Riverbrook Farms Limited
135 Collins Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-9290

Seaview Poultry Ltd
1825 Church Street
PO Box 178
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-2411
fax: 542-1209

shurgainShur-Gain Feeds 'n' Needs
1104 Kars Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-6016

Synergy Agrigroup Inc
963 Main Street
PO Box 159
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-216

TapRoot Farms
1736 Church Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 670-4538

Twin View Farms Limited
984 Church Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-2277

Watuka Farms Limited
980 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-5883

Willowbank Farms U-Pick
110 Starr's Point Loop
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-9153

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Antiques & Collectables

countrybarnCountry Barn Antiques - Ken Bezanson
"Browsers Welcome, Buyers Adored"
Located in a 4 storey post and beam barn (circa 1860).
tel: 902-542-5461
1049 Main St., Rte. 358, Port Williams, NS

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Brent Gerrits Collision & Refinishing
1224 Parkway Drive
PO Box 265
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-7867

Ed Turbitt's Service Station Limited 2010
977 Main Street
PO Box 122
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-3031

Lloyd's Truck & Trailer Repair
1099 Kars Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-9611

Under the Hood Auto Service
883 Belcher Street
PO Box 187
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-8080

Valley Yamaha-Suzuki
1199 Parkway Drive
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-7678
fax: 542-7796

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Beauty Salons

Angels Hair Styling
1056 High Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-7258

O'Natural Spa Treatment for Hands & Feet
1776 Starr's Pt. Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 698-1600

Glenda's Hair Toning & Tanning
1191 Starrs Point Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-5053

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Sammon, Sharon Collectibles
1018 Church Street
Port Williams,NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-3945

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Wingspan Creative Communications
1379 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
Tel: (902) 542-4826

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Peter J. Sawler Carpentry
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-2314
tel: 542-3700

Wise Owl Joinery Co.
870 Church Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-0066

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 Equipment & Furniture

Workplace Essentials
1087 Middle Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 1-800-565-2605

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Charlies Hoe Services
852 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 678-5728

EB Corkum Farm & Forest Ltd.
1258 Starr's Point Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-5216

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Prescott House Museum
A Part of the Nova Scotia Museum
1633 Starr's Point Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-3984

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Dr. Barbara Ross
1437 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-0779

Dr. David Marsters
1437 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-0990

Dr. Rebecca Clarke
1437 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0

Dr. Jean Muggah
1437 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-0779

Dr. Violetta Hadlaw
1437 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-0990

Dr. Richard Stern
1437 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-0584

Dr. Karen Burch
1437 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 681-9410

Dr Michael Mindrum
1437 Belcher Street
Port Willaims, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-0990

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The Port Pub Bistro
980 Terry's Creek Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-5555

Sea Level Brewing Company
980 Terry's Creek Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-5544

Barrelling Tide Distillery
1164 Parkway Drive
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-1627

The Noodle Guy Pasta Studio
980 Main Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 698-3906

Wayfarers’ Ale Society
1116 Kars Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0 
Tel: 902-542-7462

Pizzeria Robust
980 NS-358
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
Tel: 902-697-2700

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Acadia Management Group Inc.
1155 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-5223
fax: 542-1511

Alpha Chiropractic Clinic
1460 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-5433

A'N'T Janitorial & Supplies
1171 Starr's Point Road
PO Box 257
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-3432

Canada Post Corp
1053 High Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-9318

Crown Kitchens
1114 Main Street
PO Box 76
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-3758

Earl Kidston Developments Incorporated
864 Church Street
PO Box 146
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-4101

Ken Moore Handyman help
Cooperage Lane
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-1456

Heather Regan's Piano Lessons
1008 Rawding Drive
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 902-542-7154

Lantz Truck Body Limited
1309 Belcher Street
PO Box 207
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-9797
fax: 542-7707

Lasting Impressions Landscaping
115 Magee Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0

LRB Fabricators Ltd.
1311 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-9519

Lucky Dollar Printing Ltd.
Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0

Oulton Fuels Limited
1100 Kars Stret
PO Box 270
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-3835

PJO Photography
1143 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0

Port Williams Planter
1258 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-1764

Priority Kids Training Programs
945 Church Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0

Property Guys for Sale by Owner
Michael White
1833 Kidston Avenue
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-9999

R & M Car Crushing Ltd.
1290 Starr's Point Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-2321

Robert's Lock Repair
1101 Starr's Point Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-7621

Serenity Funeral Home & Crematorium
1212 Parkway Drive
PO Box 239
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-4656

Smith's Firewood
1198 Belcher Street
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-3646

Starr's Point Self Storage Ltd.
1179 Parkway Drive
Port Williams NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-2111

Sutton Hill Stables
301 Sutton Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0

Tasbow Sod Farm Ltd.
1526 Hwy 358
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 698-0222

The Church Street Groomer
910 Church Street
Port Williams,NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-1758

Universal Wood Industries
Parkway Drive
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-2777

William Thomson & Sons Painting
1007 Terry's Creek Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-5597

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Evangeline Transport Inc.
1258 Starr's Point Road
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-3375

Woods Limousine Inc.
1020 Main Street
PO Box 348
Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
tel: 542-5248

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Upcoming Events

Village Commission Meetings
15 Apr 2025
07:00PM - 08:30PM

Village Commission Meetings
20 May 2025
07:00PM - 08:30PM

Village Commission Meetings
17 Jun 2025
07:00PM - 08:30PM

spirit award
port williams crest

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