Village of Port Williams

Biggest Little Port in the World

Medical/Safety/Fire Emergency ---- Dial 911 on any Telephone

Water or Sewer Emergency such as a busted pipe or sewer backup, call Joe Keddy, Superintendent of Public Works at 542-0087 or his cell at 670-5231. You can also email him at 

Power Outages
If you would like to have your name added to the list in the Village Office in case of power outages, please drop us an email at or call us at 542-4411.

Comfort Centre
The Community Centre will function as a temporary Comfort Centre in times of extended power outage.

comfort centre 2

If you, or a family member, require assistance in storm/outage situations – please register with the Village Office and the Fire Dept will be offering door to door check ins.

Upcoming Events

Village Commission Meetings
20 Aug 2024
07:00PM - 08:30PM

Village Commission Meetings
17 Sep 2024
07:00PM - 08:30PM

Village Commission Meetings
15 Oct 2024
07:00PM - 08:30PM

spirit award
port williams crest

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